
The Eucarbon® formula was first developed in 1909 by the pharmacist Franz Trenka and Dr. Wolfgang Pauli in a Viennese pharmacy and remained unchanged ever since.

The name Eucarbon® is composed of the words “eu” and “carbon”
“Eu” is derived from the ancient greek word εὖ and can be translated to “well”. Carbon is derived from the latin word "carbo" which translates to "coal". Charcoal is one of the main regulative active components in Eucarbon®.

Eucarbon® is a natural herb- and mineral-based agent used to regulate the digestive system and act as a mild laxative.

Eucarbon® is a combination of active herbal ingredients (senna leaves and rhubarb root) and non-activated vegetable charcoal, thus demonstrating gentle adsorbing effects combined with a mild laxative effect.

Biocarbon®, on the other hand, is purely made from activated vegetable charcoal and performs strong adsorbing effects in the digestive tract. Activated charcoal’s adsorption power is 8-10 times that of non-activated charcoal. It is therefore indicated for diarrhea and cases of intoxication. 

In case of suspected poisoning, always consult a doctor!

The principal difference between Eucarbon® and Eucarbon® herbal is that Eucarbon herbal does not contain any sulphur depuratum (purified sulphur). It is therefore a purely herbal product. Eucarbon® herbal constitutes a good alternative for people with a sulphur allergy or hypersensitivity.

Activated vegetable carbon is obtained by treating vegetable carbon with extreme temperatures (600-1000°C) in a two-step process, once without oxygen and once with the presence of oxygen and steam.

This activation process results in a distinctive interconnected series of porous structures inside the vegetable carbon which greatly enlarges the surface area of the vegetable carbon 10 folds, giving it its characteristic ability to effectively adsorb a wider range of toxic organic chemicals.

The carbon in Eucarbon® and Biocarbon® adsorbs.The chemical process of absorption is commonly compared to a sponge soaking up water. The water is fully integrated into the sponge, not being limited to the surface area.

In contrast, adsorption is a process whereby molecules stick to the surface area only. In the case of activated carbon – with its large surface area – the unwanted substance stick to the surface area of the carbon particles until they are excreted from the body.

Eucarbon contains 100% natural ingredients and is therefore considered as a very safe and well-tolerated product, if taken in the recommended dosage. 

Like all medicines, Eucarbon can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

  • In single cases abdominal pain and diarrhea have occurred.
  • In very rare cases (less than 1 person out of 10.000) nausea or vomiting – this may be a sign of overdose.
  • If large doses are taken over a long period of time, this may cause loss of mineral salts, especially of potassium salts, which may result in weakening of the muscles and intensified constipation due to limited bowel activity.
  • An occasional slight reddish colouring of the urine may occur as an alkaline reaction and is of no significance.

If you realize any unusual conditions make sure to consult a doctor.

The duration of administration usually depends on the severity of your symptoms. 

Do not apply Eucarbon for a longer time (over 1-2 weeks) without being medically instructed to do so.

In case of continuous long-term application for longer than 14 days, effectiveness may decline.

If your symptoms are not improving after 1 week you are advised to see a doctor.

The use of Eucarbon® is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

International guidance on the use of Eucarbon® in children differs. In Europe, only children over 12 years can take Eucarbon.

In case of existing or suspected Morbus crohn, ulcerative colitis or intestinal obstructions, any kind of self-administration with laxatives should be avoided.

Eucarbon® intake should therefore be discussed with a healthcare practitioner in these cases.

Eucarbon® should not be taken if you are suffering from one of the conditions listed below:

  • Allergy/Hypersensitivity towards senna, rhubarb root, carbon or any other ingredients of Eucarbon®.
  • Intestinal occlusion 
  • Intestinal inflammations
  • Unidentified abdominal pain
  • Severe disorder of the water and mineral balance
  • Gastric or intestinal ulcer
  • Appendicitis

Also, in case of increased hypocalcemia the effect of certain cardiac remedies may be increased with Eucarbon®.

Additionally, the use of Eucarbon® is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and in children under 12 years of age.

Eucarbon® may show interactions with cardiac drugs, electrolyte and water metabolism-altering medication as well as cortisone.  

If you have any uncertainties concerning the use of Eucarbon®, please contact your doctor. Please tell you doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Eucarbon® is a phytopharmaceutical product that contains the natural ingredients senna leave and extractum rhei that both contain sennosides as their active substance. While the content of 105 mg Senna leave and 25 mg Extractum rhei is fixed, the content of sennosides in the used plants also depends on external factors like, for example, the weather conditions during cultivation. This is not comparable with a defined chemical substance and it is thus only possible to define a range of Eucarbon’s® sennoside content.

The expressed range shows the total anthraquinone (sennoside) content of the tablets.

The main effect of Eucarbon® takes place in the colon and not in the stomach. Eucarbon® has no direct therapeutic effect on gastro-esophageal reflux. If a patient suffers from gastro-esophageal reflux together with constipation with flatulence, a mechanical pressure on the stomach might intensify the reflux. In this case it may be useful to take Eucarbon® to treat the flatulence and to relieve the pressure from the upper abdomen.


Biocarbon® is a 100% carbon-based agent used to alleviate diarrhea. 

Eucarbon® is a combination of herbal active ingredients (senna leaves and rhubarb root) and non-activated vegetable charcoal, thus demonstrating gentle adsorbing effects combined with a mild laxative effect.
Biocarbon®, on the other hand, is purely made from activated vegetable charcoal and performs strong adsorbing effects in the digestive tract. Activated charcoal’s adsorptions power is 8-10 times that of non-activated charcoal. It is therefore used for diarrhea or cases of intoxication. 

Activated vegetable carbon is obtained by treating vegetable carbon with extreme temperatures (600-1000°C) in a two-step process, once without oxygen and once with the presence of oxygen and steam.

This activation process results in a distinctive interconnected series of porous structures inside the vegetable carbon which greatly enlarges the surface area of the vegetable carbon 10 folds, giving it its characteristic ability to effectively adsorb a wider range of toxic organic chemicals.


The carbon in Eucarbon® and Biocarbon® adsorbs. The chemical process of absorption is commonly compared to a sponge soaking up water. The water is fully integrated into the sponge, not being limited to the surface area.

In contrast, adsorption is a process whereby molecules stick to the surface area only. Activated carbon – with its large surface area – the unwanted substance is adsorbed onto the surface area of the carbon particles until they are excreted.


Biocarbon® contains 100% natural ingredients and is therefore considered as a very safe and well-tolerated product, if taken in the recommended dosage. Side effects are mostly associated with overdose and may include:

  • Constipation
  • Black stool due to staining from the carbon component

If you realize any unusual conditions make sure to consult a doctor.

Biocarbon® administration should last until bowel functions return to normal and functional digestive symptoms subside.

If your symptoms persist and you do not feel any better after 3 days consult your healthcare practitioner.

Biocarbon® can be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Children from 2 years can take Biocarbon®.

Due to Biocarbons® adsorbing properties, the following actions may occur:

  • Activated carbon can reduce the effect of medicaments through its high adsorption power.
  • As activated carbon hinders the systemic absorption of numerous drugs at least partially, it could decrease the bioavailability of these drugs.
  • Bicarbon® can interact with oral contraceptives. When administered 3 hours after and at least 12 hours before pill intake, it can be used to treat diarrhea in women taking oral contraceptives.
  • Biocarbon® tablets are generally well tolerated. Higher dosage or long-time administration may cause nausea and constipation requiring the administration of a laxative.

Due to Biocarbon’s® highly adsorbent qualities, the effects of other pharmaceutical products may be reduced if taken together with Biocarbon®.

Oral anti-diabetic drugs as well as cardiac drugs should be taken at least 2 hours before taking Biocarbon®.

Any other kind of medicine should be taken at least 1 hour before Biocarbon® tablets are taken.

Oral contraceptives/ovulation inhibitors may also be reduced in their effects so that it might be necessary to use an additional form of contraception after taking Biocarbon®.

If any uncertainties regarding the use and potential drug interactions of Biocarbon exist, please ask your pharmacist or contact your doctor.