Most ancient cultures in the world have developed their own understanding for medicinal plants. Whether this is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic Medicine or traditional Western herbal medicine.
Herbal mixtures and herbal food preparations have been applied for centuries to treat illnesses, including all kinds of intestinal and digestive issues. Medicinal plants and herbs are rich in active substances that perform a wide range of healing, soothing and restoring actions in the digestive tract.

Medicinal Plants

Here is a selection of plants that are known to promote intestinal health.
The most common way of administration would be to make herbal tea preparations with these herbal plants. 






Senna is a valuable herb which is used to cleanse the colon. It contains anthraquinones called sennosides which have mild laxative and regulative effects.
Eucarbon® contains senna leaf which is a key active substance responsible for the regulative effect in the intestinal tract.






As a natural antispasmodic, peppermint regulates the digestive function by relaxing intestinal muscles and encouraging intestinal movement. Peppermint can be found in various forms including tea, essential oils, powders and supplements.
Eucarbon® contains peppermint essential oil that performs relaxing as well as disinfectant actions in the digestive tract. 





Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds have been used for a long time as a digestive remedy for treating all sorts of digestive disorders. Prepared as tea, fennel relaxes the intestinal tract and eases spasms, bloating as well as indigestion.
Eucarbon® contains essential fennel oil that helps ease digestive disruptions.





Radish juice can be used for dyspepsia, constipation and chronic gallbladder inflammation.




Cascara Sagrada 

Cascara Sagrada is a gentle laxative and contains high amounts of anthraquinones, which trigger intestinal motility and regulate bowel movements. Cascara also strengthens the muscles of the colon walls which in turn helps eliminate constipation. 





Chamomile is traditionally used to ease nervousness and anxiety, but has also shown to reduce intestinal spasms as well as intestinal gas.





The seeds and the husk of psyllium containing a special fiber called mucilage have been used as a natural laxative for a long time. Mucilage has water-absorbing abilities in the digestive tract. This makes the stools bulkier which in turn triggers movement in the colon that helps to regulate the bowel movements.





Ginger is helpful for a wide variety of gastrointestinal ailments ranging from simple indigestion to severe cramps. Ginger improves the tone of intestinal muscles and performs mild anti-inflammatory actions.




Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant is considered a laxative-acting food that can help to relieve constipation. The juice of Aloe Vera contains anthraquinones that stimulates and regulates the digestive process.